I recenlty started using Facebook Business Manager, not only out of curiousity but also because I don´t want business and pleasure mixed. That´s where I came to the conclusion that it just might not be such a good idea as I thought.
The idea of the Fabook Business Manager
To be honest, I really thought it was a good idea, having a business account where you can have other persons assigned to different kind of tasks to manage your page/pages. Advertising or social media agencies will love this, because they can then track and trace everything. More info about the business manager can be found here: https://business.facebook.com/
The Problem (s)
But then I wasn´t so amused when I found out I could not like somebody else´s page inside the business manager, I had to tell that I did not want to manage that page and get out of the managing tool to like it. Strange.
Then I logged in with another page and wanted to like my own page, but surprise, surprise, no page to be found, I double checked it from multiple accounts, but if logged in with a business page, the page I have in the business manager was nowhere to be found, while other pages showed up in results like always.
Problem number three began when I wanted to get out of the business manager, an almost impossible job. You first have to get a page you do not use or something to be the primary page (if you even have one) and then you can finally delete your own page from the business manager. (you can find the instructions here: https://www.facebook.com/help/www/462627017200717)
The Solution
The solution was this: I found a page I wasn´t using anymore, made that page the primairy page and deleted my own, and I found my own page again in the search results. So if you ask me, wait with assigning yourself to the Facebook Business Manager untill they have all the bugs fixed! Did you have any problems with the Facebook Business Manager, let me know!